Making Sun Stars With Your Images

Have you ever seen a photograph where the sun looks like a round star? They’re called “sun stars” in photography.

Intentionally adding a sun star in your image can make it go from okay to amazing! I know there are apps you can use to create these when editing, but I’m going to tell you how to do it in camera (it looks better naturally as well).

Using an intentional sun star to enhance my subject.

First you’ll need to use a camera that you can change the aperture with in its manual setting.

Second, you will need to set an aperture of f-16 or f-22, so everything needs to be in focus. If you can’t get it that high, try adjusting the shutter speed or ISO.

Using another sun star to brighten up this piece of driftwood.

Give it a try! I would love for you to share your image with me!


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