What it Takes

Just in the nick of time.

Before another lockdown, before the sun set.

One of my most epic photo shoots to date.

This is my friend, Lisa. She’s amazing.

This is my friend, Lisa. She’s amazing.

I’ve been feeling really inspired lately. Inspired by women who push the boundaries and limits of what is possible, inspired by the women in my life (like Lisa) and inspired by the land.

I’ve connected more with the land that I’m living on in the last year then I have since I moved to Muskoka.

It’s the slow pace, it’s the consistent visits to natural spaces almost daily that have fostered this growth in my connection.

I really wanted to push my portfolio out to include more adventure sports (let’s face it, I have a lot of canoeing) and was so happy when Lisa and I talked about doing this.

I only had maybe an hour before the sun set and the right lighting faded, so we had to work quickly. My focus was really on silhouettes and falling light.

What does it take? Moving quickly, having a plan (an idea of what you’re shooting), especially if it’s during a very small window of lighting opportunities. And to keep pushing yourself until magic starts happening.

You have to stick with your photo shoot even if it’s not starting out how you want. See where it goes.

Here’s the full session. Let me know what you think in the comments.

I’m incredibly grateful to live and work on the traditional, ancestral, and unceded territory of the Mississauga, Anishinawbewaki, and Algonquin First Nations.


Connecting to the Land


Why Womxn Shouldn’t Canoe Alone